2nd Edition
Includes Book, Video, and Software
The Entire Set For A New Low Price $49.95!
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The Only Book That Fully Explains How To Design and Make
Rockets & Rocket Motors
Written For Both The Novice & Experienced Amateur
An Incredible Book/Software/Video Set Value
For All Composite Solid Rocket Propellants!

Shows You How To Make Rocket Motors & Rockets Of All Sizes

Large Rockets

Smaller Rockets
This 230 page book is illustrated with photographs and drawings covering every aspect of amateur rocketry. Written by a rocket propulsion engineer, John Wickman, with 44 years of professional experience in solid, liquid and exotic propulsion systems.
Anyone can start making their own motors and rockets with this book, even if you never made a rocket or rocket motor in your life. You don’t need a college degree in chemistry or engineering to be successful with this bookset. Even if you know absolutely nothing about making rockets and rocket motors, all the information you need is in the book and video.
This first half of the book tells you how to design and build a rocket motor while the last half tells you how to design and build a rocket for your motor. Don’t confuse this book with other books showing you how to make rocket motors. Their books show you how to make a few designs. If you want to make something different, you are out of luck. Our book shows you how to design and build your rocket motor out of PVC pipe and fittings or aluminum cases. We give you the knowledge to design and build your own rocket motor for the thrust-time curve you want.
But, the book is not just written for the novice. If you are designing motors based on a spreadsheet, it is time to move up and start designing your motors for the precise thrust-time curve you want. We will show you how to calculate the limits of your motor case and design a solid rocket motor that does not exceed those limits. The book also explains how to design a rocket that will be stable off the launch rod, even in high wind conditions. The book also explains how to get an FAA waiver for your high power rockets so you are always flying legally.
What makes this book package unique is the software and video that come with it. While the book is fully illustrated with photographs and drawings, there are some things such as mixing and casting propellant, making nozzles, folding parachutes and assembling rocket motors that are best shown by watching someone do it. In our included video, you will see someone do all of these things and lots more. It is like having a personal instructor in your house showing you how to do it.
Of course, if you want a real instructor rather than a video, you can always sign up for our “hands on” motor design class that includes the complete bookset. The “How To Make Amateur Rockets” book was also used as the textbook in the Introduction To Rocketry course (ES-1100) taught at Casper College. The bookset is also being used by high school rocket groups across the United States.

Look At The Software Included With The Book!
What makes modern amateur rocketry so different from the days of “October Sky” in the 1950’s and 60’s is the personal computer. Today, amateurs can test their rocket and rocket motor designs on their personal computers to see if the designs will work before a single part is built. CP Technologies was one of the first company to develop and bundle rocketry software together for amateur rocketry. Unlike software offered by other companies, our software has been extensively tested in the amateur and professional environment.
It has been used to successfully design the student Pathfinder rocket launched at NASA Wallops. This rocket was 100% designed and built (including the solid rocket motor) by Casper College and University of Cinncinatti students. Our sofware has been used to design even larger rockets such as the S1 sounding rocket developed under NASA contract. The software bundled with the bookset will help you formulate solid propellant, design solid rocket motors and rockets.
CP Technologies Software Included With The Bookset
- CHEM * – Version 3 – Propellant performance for virtually any propellant combination.
- FLIGHT * – Version 2 – Two dimensional trajectory calculation for altitude and downrange distance and flight loads.
- FPRED * – Version 2 – Design and computer simulate the operation of solid rocket motors (Core, Segmented, C-Slot, Moon and End grain patterns) with eroding and non-eroding throats.
- CP1 * – Version 2 – Version 2 – Calculate center of pressure for simple rocket geometries
- THERM* – Version 3 – Calculates the thermal ablation and temperatures of nozzles, exit cones, bulkheads and chambers. It also calculates temperatures within a rocket body at various locations from the nose due to aerodynamic heating.
- CG-CALC * – Version 2 – Determines the center of gravity and lift off weight of your rocket before you build it
- STRESS * – Spreadsheet analysis on your chamber, nozzle and bulkhead.
- HTBOUND * – Spreadsheet calculation of key thermal input parameters used by THERM.
- BURNRATE * – Determines the coefficient and exponent for your propellant formulation based motor data or single strand burn tests.
- CP Technologies software user’s manual in Adobe Acrobat PDF File Format
- Note: The * symbol after the software title indicates the software is copyrighted by CP Technologies.
Freeware Software Included With The Bookset
- NOSECONE CONTOURS are calculated for almost any type of nosecone.
- Rocket trajectory software
- Rocket design software that calculates CENTER OF PRESSURE and DRAG COEFFICIENTS for virtually any rocket design (subsonic and supersonic flight). You can see on the screen what your rocket will look like as you design it.
- Calculate PROPELLANT INGREDIENT WEIGHTS for your formulation based on a total batch size.
- Open Motor Solid Rocket Motor design software.
Save Money Making Your Own Motors, Reloads and Rockets!
You can be saving over $50 on J class reloads by making your own motor or reload and save $100’s on larger impulse reloads and motors. Don’t fall for the myth that you don’t save money making your own motors and reloads.
But, Your Savings Don't Stop There!
With this bookset, you will not have to pay a hundred dollars or more for a rocket kit. After all, what are you really buying with that rocket kit? You are paying for the time someone took to design that rocket. Plastic nosecones and cardboard tubes don’t cost a hundred dollars or more. With our “How To Make Amateur Rockets” bookset, you will be able to design your own stable rockets.
Tired of showing up to launches with the same rocket as everyone else with only a different paint job? Break Free From The Pack!! Start designing the rockets you want to fly and save money, too!
Videos Of Rockets & Motors Designed With Our Bookset!
Do You Have Questions on Making Your Own Motors and Rockets?
- How Safe Is It To Make Your Own Motors?
- How Hard Is It?
- Are The Chemicals On The ATF Explosives List?
- Can I Get All The Materials I Need?
- Is It Safe To Use PVC Pipe and Fittings For Rocket Motors?
- How Much Does It Cost To Get Started?
- Do I Need An Engineering or Chemistry Degree To Make Motors?
- What Do I Need In The Way Of Equipment?
- How Much Does The Equipment Cost?
- Do I Need To Be Certified By Any Organization Like Tripoli or NAR?
Click on the book to view the Table of Contents
The Best Amateur Rocketry Package At The Incredible Price of Only $49.95
(Free Shipping within the United States)
The bookset package includes rocket design software for successfully designing your rocket and motor on Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, and Windows 11 computers plus a video for “Virtual Personal Instruction”. The book, software and video (Software and video are on a USB flash drive) are all included with your order.
Order Online Now!
“How to Make Amateur Rockets” book, video, and all CP Technologies software and freeware.
(Sold only in United States)
(Free Shipping)

Order by mail: You can mail your order to us and pay by personal check, business check or money order. Make sure you print clearly your name and shipping address.
Mail your order to: CP Technologies; 3745 Studer, Unit A; Casper, WY 82604.
Solid Rocket Motor Design Classes
in June, July, and September 2025