"How To Make Amateur Rockets" Book, video and software

This 230 page book is illustrated with photographs and drawings covering every aspect of amateur rocketry. Written by a rocket propulsion engineer, John Wickman, with 44 years of professional experience in solid, liquid and exotic propulsion systems. The book includes an instructional video and all CP Technologies software plus multiple freeware. The software and video are included on a USB flash drive.
“How to Make Amateur Rockets” book, video, and all CP Technologies software and freeware. (U.S. orders only)
$49.95 (Free shipping)
CP Technologies was one of the first companies to develop and bundle rocketry software together for amateur rocketry. Our software has been extensively tested in amateur and professional environments. The software will run on Windows 7, 8,10, and 11.
Software is delivered via a download link by email. Make sure the email you provide at the time of purchase is a valid email that you use. The download link is sent via email within 24 hours of purchase.
Propellant Formulation & Performance

CHEM Thermochemistry Software
CHEM. It calculates the performance of virtually any solid, liquid or hybrid propellant combination. Simply input the propellant ingredients and CHEM calculates the combustion temperature, propellant density, C-star, specific impulse and a lot more.
CHEM Thermochemistry Software – $11.95

FPRED Solid Rocket Motor Design
FPRED predicts the performance of the motor. It handles a variety of propellant grain designs including straight cores, segmented (Bates), c-slot, moon and end burner grain patterns with eroding and non-eroding throats.
FPRED Solid Rocket Motor Simulation – $19.95
Rocket Trajectory Simulation

FLIGHT Rocket Trajectory Software
FLIGHT calculates the trajectory your rocket will take and outputs a variety of useful parameters for the rocket designer such as acceleration, velocity, altitude, distance downrange, dynamic pressure, compressive load and pitch angle. One of the nice features of FLIGHT is that you can read in the thrust – time curve from FPRED. Now, you can design your motor in FPRED and transfer the thrust – time curve to FLIGHT and see how your rocket flies.
FLIGHT Rocket Trajectory Software – $19.95